Clear timeline
Communication history directly in Outlook
MARS generates a timeline of manually archived mails. You can now write notes and open mails directly from the timeline in Outlook.
Examples of how MARS' customers use the timeline
Risk analysis
The timeline provides a timestamped overview that helps track changes in the project’s scope, allowing you to identify any potential risks.
Stakeholders and partners
Everyone can stay up to date with previous communication, which strengthens the project team's collaboration regarding the project's stakeholders.
Project handover
By using the timeline as an active part of a handover brief for a construction project, you minimise lost information that could harm the project.
Communication history on multiple levels
Context is important when creating an overview of your communication history. That is why we have organised the data to give you a timeline at project, company and contact level.
No archived mails, no timeline...
The timeline is an important source of knowledge about communication and the general tone of a project. The mails shown in the timeline are manually archived mails from the mail archiving system. Fortunately, it is simple to use drag-and-drop to activate the benefits of mail archiving.
Invite your colleague with 1 click
Collaboration is important when it comes to enriching the timeline with archived mails. That is why we have made it simple to invite and intuitive to install MARS in Outlook.

Get the most out of your Outlook app
Start building your timeline today
Try MARS for your Outlook free for the first 14 days.